Emergency Planning Services
Emergency Plans and Manuals | Evacuation Diagrams and Signs | Emergency Equipment and Resources | Evacuation Management Solutions
Emergency Plans and Manuals
Our emergency plans are facility specific to meet the risk needs of your building/site. The plans are documented in a comprehensive and easy to reference manual that is available in print and online.
When used with our Compliance Management System, you will have access to your facility’s manual online at any time and will be able to keep contact numbers and warden lists up to date when needed.
Evacuation Diagrams and Signs
Our custom created evacuation diagrams are easy to read and accurate, displaying the relevant procedures, escape routes and emergency equipment locations.
Diagrams can be supplied in A3 snap frames, UV resistant composite panels or with a brushed aluminium finish and are displayed in prominent positions compliant with AS3745 and state regulations.

Evacuation Diagram 5-Year Review
Australian Standard 3745-2010 Section 2.2 stipulates that the validity period of evacuation diagrams should not exceed 5 years. We provide a comprehensive service to complete a full review of all the evacuation diagrams at your facility when they are nearing their validity date. We will check their condition and for any inconsistencies or areas of change that require amendments to your diagrams. If no changes are required we can update the validity or quote for further works as needed. Price on application, please click here to contact us for more information.

For larger facilities we have partnered with Locatrix, providing the option of using an innovative solution that allows agile creation and modification of floorplans with spatial accuracy. Diagrams are created accurately and efficiently with no manual mark-up required and future changes can be made quickly and effectively while walking through the building. Click here to learn more.

Emergency Equipment and Resources
Fire EMT provides a wide range of equipment and resources to assist wardens and occupants to prevent or respond to emergencies. Visit our online store or speak to one of our representatives about the products we provide.
Visit our Online Store for:
- Warden Identification
- Fire Extinguishers, Cabinets and Brackets
- Radios and Loud Hailer/Megaphones
- Assembly Area Signage
Evacuation Management Solutions
We make the hard jobs simple.
We have assisted many complex facilities and large multi-facility sites to design and implement simple and proven ways to effectively manage the evacuation of occupants.
We can work with you to assess your specific needs and design a suitable evacuation management solution.