Compliance Management System (CMS) Guides – People Manager Level Access
1. The Basics
From the top of the Fire EMT website, when you mouse over the menu item ‘LOGIN’ a drop-down list will appear and show the option ‘CMS LOGIN’. Click on this menu item to be taken to the CMS login page. Alternately, from the address bar in a new browser window, you can type which will take you directly to the CMS login page.
Logging in to the CMS:
At the login page, enter your email address and password, then click on the ‘Login’ button. You will be taken to your facility’s profile page.
Forgotten your Password?
At the login page, next to the ‘Login’ button there is a link ‘FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD?’. Click that link and you will be asked for your email address. When you click the ‘Send Password Link’ button, the system will send you an email address that will allow you to create a new password. You will then be able to login as usual.
Navigating around the CMS is made easy with the menu along the left side of the screen. If you are using a mobile device, you may see the menu listed at the top of the screen instead. The different functions of the CMS are grouped in the main menu.
Facility: provides the access to the facility profile, emergency contacts and access to the Incident report area.
People: provides access to view and (if your access level allows) edit, add or delete the facility’s personnel records.
Training: is the area for Fire EMT to manage the training we provide to your facility. You can find training records here.
Documents: is the area your Fire Safety Advisor uses to manage your site’s emergency plan and procedures manual. This is where you can access and print your emergency plan and/or evacuation diagrams if you use these services with Fire EMT.
Resources: provides access to other emergency management and compliance related documents required for your site.
Each of the function available to authorised account users is explained in this guide.
There are two levels of user available to clients. They are “People Manager” and “Viewer”. The People Manager role will allow you to add, edit and delete people in the ‘People’ area of the menu, add, edit and delete ‘Emergency Contacts’, add Students and view their records, download and print the emergency plan, evacuation diagrams and resources. Those with ‘Viewer’ access can view all areas, but are unable to add, edit or delete records.
If your organisation has two or more sites or separate buildings, you may have several facilities in the CMS. A nominated person can be assigned to just one facility or all of your facilities. Those users responsible for multiple facilities will have the option to access each of their facilities once they have logged in to the CMS. If you are responsible for multiple sites, you will be provided with additional instructions when your account is being set up.
Important Note: You must contact Fire EMT to remove or revoke a user’s access to the CMS, or to change their access from Viewer to People Manager or vice versa.